The Australian Pharmacy Council (APC) announces that the Accreditation Standards for the credentialing of Aged Care On-site Pharmacists and Medication Management Review (MMR) pharmacists have been approved by the Department of Health and Aged Care.
APC Chief Executive Officer, Bronwyn Clark, says "We are delighted that the accreditation standards have been approved by the Department and appreciate all stakeholders that contributed valuable input during the consultation process."
"The next step is for education providers to begin developing and reviewing their programs aligned to the accreditation standards. APC looks forward to receiving applications for program accreditation from 1 September 2023," Ms Clark explained.
APC will shortly begin consultation on the Performance Outcomes for aged care and MMR pharmacist programs after an extension of their contract with the Department of Health and Aged Care. These are anticipated to be published in late August 2023.
To receive a copy of the approved standards prior to official publication, please contact