We accredit a range of programs and organisations against specific accreditation standards.

These include:

  • pharmacy degree and intern training programs that lead to registration
  • pharmacist education programs for registered pharmacists looking to complete additional, specialised training
  • organisations that accredit continuing professional development (CPD) activities for pharmacists

We also permit education providers delivering an accredited pharmacy program to self-accredit their vaccination training against our standards.

We decide whether to accredit programs by developing clear, agreed, transparent standards, and evaluating programs against those standards.

This ensures that program graduates and registered pharmacists have the skills and knowledge they need to practise safely.

Standards for pharmacy degree programs

Education providers meet these standards to accredit or re-accredit a pharmacy degree program. We use these standards to assess programs in Australia and internationally.

See our current pharmacy program standards.

Standards for intern training programs (ITPs)

ITPs in Australia

We accredit ITPs in Australia against the pharmacy program standards.

Intern year assessment blueprint

Australian ITP providers should use this blueprint as a guide for how they assess interns. It provides clarity around who measures an intern's competence and how.

See the Intern Year Assessment Blueprint.

Standards for MMR pharmacist and Aged Care On-site Pharmacist education programs

These standards are for education programs that credential pharmacists to complete Medication Management Reviews (MMRs) and work as Aged Care On-site Pharmacists (ACOPs).

Education providers meet these standards to accredit or re-accredit their pharmacist education programs.

See pharmacist education program standards.

See the consultation process undertaken to develop these standards.

Standards for Pharmacist Prescriber education programs

These standards are for education programs that will equip pharmacists with the knowledge, skills and attributes to be competent and safe prescribers within their scope of practice as authorised under relevant legislation.

Education providers meet these standards to accredit or re-accredit their pharmacist prescriber education programs.

See pharmacist prescriber education program standards.

See the consultation process.

Standards for continuing professional development (CPD) activities

CPD accrediting organisations assess CPD activities against this set of standards. It defines the measurable attributes a CPD activity must have to become accredited.

See our current CPD activities accreditation standards.

Standards for vaccination training programs

Immunisation training providers meet these standards to align with state and territory laws.

In April 2020, we included a temporary change to the standards to increase community safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

See our current vaccination training standards.

Want to learn about the programs we accredit?

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