Strategy 2022 – 2027

Our Strategic Priorities

  1. Leading, influencing and collaborating

    We will enhance our influence with key partners to create opportunities that facilitate and advance capabilities of the pharmacy profession

    Key Actions

    • Retain our position as a leader within the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme
    • Seek opportunities to expand our profile as a national standards body for health professions education
    • Contribute to the body of evidence in the sector through research, publication and events
    • Respond and offer solutions to the Pharmacy Board of Australia as a trusted advisor
    • Use our independent voice to facilitate conversation and connection nationally and internationally
    • Influence and collaborate with industry stakeholders to offer solutions to pharmacy workforce issues
  2. Future focused standards and assessment

    Our approach to standard setting, accreditation and assessment is evidence-based, agile and socially accountable to meet future needs

    Key Actions

    • Actively and appropriately support our candidates and program providers
    • Ensure effective adoption of accreditation standards and encourage innovation in our programs
    • Diversify the suite of assessment tools and competency-based education in partnership with the Pharmacy Board of Australia
    • Continue transformation of our examination assessment methodologies and delivery modes
    • Identify and develop standards for expanding scopes of practice as they evolve
    • Implement a sustainable CPD accreditation system
    • Build on our relationships with our international colleagues to design our international services in a socially accountable and responsible manner
    • Collaborate with other accreditation authorities to learn and enhance our standards and processes
  3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ health

    We commit to a health system free of racism and discrimination by contributing to a culturally safe pharmacy workforce

    Key Actions

    Recognise the importance of self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in all our activities

    • Influence and lead the pharmacy profession through establishment and growth of a sustainable Leaders in Indigenous Pharmacy Profession Education (LIPPE) network in partnership with the Council of Pharmacy Schools
    • Continue our reconciliation journey through our current and future Reconciliation Action Plans
    • Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ voices are heard, recognised, and embedded in all our governance structures
    • Grow our peoples’ understanding of cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples through continued training and assessment
    • Support the development of a culturally safe health workforce supported by nationally consistent standards, codes, guidelines and assessment
  4. An innovative, sustainable and resilient organisation

    We embrace new ways of working that move us forward

    Key Actions

    • Manage our resources in a sustainable, ethical and socially responsible manner
    • Diversify and expand our income streams leveraging our expertise, through seeking new opportunities
    • Strengthen our supportive, safe and inclusive environment to encourage our people’s creativity
    • Foster and support an effective and sustainable Board
    • Embrace new technologies and data to support, protect and enhance our operations, increase effectiveness and improve efficiencies
    • Further embed an organisation culture that reflects our values so we are sustainable and resilient

Download the 2022-27 Strategic Priorities
(5 pages in pdf)

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