This pathway shows you how to apply for a Skills Assessment Outcome so that you can register and work as a pharmacist in Australia. It applies if you completed your pharmacy qualification in any country other than Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK or the USA.

You'll need this outcome issued to:


This process applies if you completed a pharmacy qualification in any country that is not:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • United Kingdom (UK), OR
  • United States of America (USA)

Your qualification needs to incorporate the knowledge of pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences that form the foundation of the pathway to general registration in Australia.

The qualification must also be the equivalent of either:

  • 4 years’ full-time academic study, if completed after 1 January 2006, OR
  • 3 years’ full-time academic study, if completed before 1 January 2006

As well as holding a pharmacy qualification, you must be either:

  • registered as a pharmacist in the country where you graduated, OR
  • eligible to register as a pharmacist in the country where you graduated, OR
  • eligible to start the registration process in that country where you graduated, OR
  • registered as a pharmacist in another country where the registering authority is recognised by APC.

If any of the above criteria are not true for you, this pathway does not apply to you. See Skills assessments.

Skills Assessment structure

The process for requesting a Skills Assessment Outcome has 2 parts:

  1. passing the eligibility check
  2. passing the KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences) examination.

There is no expiry on the eligibility check.

Time frames

  • Eligibility check: 8 - 12 weeks. If you provide incorrect information when you apply, the process will take longer.
  • Exam dates: Find out more about dates and locations.

Make sure you lodge your application at least 8 weeks prior to the registration closing date.


  • Eligibility check: $810
  • Exam registration: $2290
  • Skills Assessment Outcome: $300
  • Work experience: (Currently not accepting applications)

Eligibility check documents

These are the documents you will need for your Eligibility Check application.

Get translations

Before you start, translate any non-English documents into English. It must be a translation of the full document.

We will not accept an extract translation of the document unless it is provided from an Australian Government Department, such as the Department of Home Affairs.

You must use a translator who is accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI). We will not accept documents that have been translated by anyone else.

You will need to submit both original and English-translated documents.

When you apply for an Eligibility Check in the Candidate Portal, you will include the following:

Document checklist


Make sure the image is not cropped. It must include top and bottom pages.

If you do not have a current passport, you can complete your application with an alternative Australian or New Zealand identification document.

The only accepted alternatives include:

  • Australian / New Zealand Drivers Licence
  • Australian federal, state or territory government issued identity card
  • Australian government issued ImmiCard.

Official photo-bearing document

We require an official ID as proof of identity.

This must be an ID document issued by an overseas or Australian authority. It must include your photo.

Birth certificate

We require a birth certificate as proof of identity.

If you do not have a birth certificate you can provide a second photo-bearing document (see above).

Qualification certificate or letter of completion

You must include your qualification certificate or letter of completion if your certificate has not yet been issued.

You must provide an image of your original pharmacy qualification document. For example, a degree certificate. It must:

  • be for a pharmacy qualification
  • include details for the full degree (not a provisional or temporary certificate/letter)
  • include the issuing date

If you have more than one qualification, please combine them into one file.

Academic transcript

The academic transcript issued by the education provider must:

  • include all pages in a single document
  • show all subjects/units and examination results for every semester of the program.

Evidence of registration

You must provide evidence that you're eligible to register as a pharmacist in the country you completed your qualification. Provide one of the following:

  • your initial or current registration document in the country where you graduated, OR
  • an endorsement letter, OR
  • an eligibility to commence letter.

To obtain this evidence, contact your pharmacy registration authority, not your university.

It must include the commencement and/or expiry date of the registration period.

If the document is to show ‘eligibility to commence the registration process’, it must refer to both you and your university by name.

Agent authorisation form (optional)

If you want to nominate someone to communicate with us on your behalf, upload the original APC Agent Authorisation Form. Both you and your agent must sign the agent’s authority.

We will only communicate directly with one person. If you nominate an agent, we will communicate only with the agent.

Evidence of name change (optional)

Your name must appear the same way on all your documents.

If you have changed your name, you need to upload proof of any name change in the portal. If your name is spelt incorrectly in any of your documents, you will need to have them corrected by the organisation who originally issued them.

Documents that prove a change of name include:

  • a marriage or divorce certificate
  • a deed poll
  • change of name documents from an Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, or the relevant authority outside Australia
  • documents that show other formal names you've been known by.

Work experience verification (optional)

We are currently improving this process to better align with and support your career prospects. We therefore are not currently accepting work experience applications.

You may be able to provide evidence of your work experience directly to the Department of Home Affairs

Helpful resources

For more information on the criteria that your qualification needs to meet, see our Assessment Standards.

For specific details about the required documents, see our Skills Assessment Documents Policy.

You do not need to:

  • have any documents certified
  • show proof of English competency.

If you leave out any documents or provide incorrect information, the process will take longer than usual.

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Eligibility check process

The eligibility check is the first step in your journey to receiving a Skills Assessment Outcome and becoming a pharmacist in Australia.

Cost: AU$810

Timeframe: 8 - 12 weeks

Step 1

Check that you are eligible to apply

Before you apply

Check that you are eligible to apply

You must have completed a pharmacy qualification in any country that is not:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Ireland
  • New Zealand
  • United Kingdom (UK), OR
  • United States of America (USA).

Your qualification needs to incorporate the knowledge of pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences that form the foundation of the pathway to general registration in Australia. We'll assess it to check that it does. If it doesn't, we cannot accept it.

As well as holding a pharmacy qualification, you must also be either:

  • registered as a pharmacist in the country where you graduated, OR
  • eligible to register as a pharmacist in the country where you graduated, OR
  • eligible to start the registration process in the country where you graduated, OR
  • registered as a pharmacist in another country where the registering authority is recognised by APC.

If any of the information above is not true for you, this process does not apply to you. See Skills Assessments.

Step 2

Gather your documents

Gather your documents

You'll need to provide us with documents to:

  • show that you meet the eligibility criteria
  • support the claims you make in your application.

Ensure that your name is displayed the same across all documents. If you have changed your name you will need to provide evidence of this in your application.

See your document checklist in the tab above.

Get help with your application if you want to

You may want us to communicate with another person, such as a migration agent or family member, instead of you. This is not required - it is optional if you choose.

If you want to nominate someone else to work with us, download and fill in our Agent Authorisation form. Both you and your nominated agent must sign it.

Your nominated agent must use a different email address to yours.

You'll need upload the completed form in the Candidate Portal.

If you nominate someone else, we'll only talk to your authorised agent about your application.

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Step 3

Apply in the candidate portal

When you apply

We cannot guarantee that your application will be assessed in time to register for your preferred exam. It may help if you lodge your application at least 8 weeks prior the registration closing date.

  1. Sign in to our Candidate Portal
  2. Start your Eligibility Check
  3. Upload your documents
  4. Pay the fee online

Your card must be issued by a bank in your country of residence. If you have paymnt issues please contact us.

Step 4

Wait to hear from us

After you apply

It will take us about 8 - 12 weeks to complete your eligibility check.

If you provide the wrong documents or leave any out, the process will take longer than usual.

Send us more information if we ask

We may email you to tell you we need more information.

If we ask for more information, you have 6 months (180 days) to get this to us.

If we do not receive the correct information from you within 6 months, our system will close your application. If this happens, you'll need to re-apply and pay the fee again.

Receive your KAPS eligibility response

We'll tell you (or your agent) by email whether or not you can sit the KAPS exam.

Apply now

The KAPS exam

The KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences) exam tests your knowledge and understanding of pharmaceutical sciences. Passing it ensures you have the skills and knowledge to practise safely in Australia.

Duration of exam: Minimum 4 hours. There are 2 papers, each with 100 questions.

Cost: AU$2290 - Learn more about exam fees.

Eligibility: Ensure you are eligible to sit the exam by applying for an Eligibility Check.

Step 1

Dates and locations

Exam dates

The KAPS exam includes 2 papers. You will need to sit them both on the same date.

Ensure you've submitted your Eligibility Check at least 8 weeks prior to the registration closing date for your preferred exam.

Exam Dates

Registration period

Results released

15 - 17 July 2024

26 March - 11 June 2024

30 July 2024

25 - 27 November 2024

6 August - 8 October 2024

10 December 2024

Register for your exam!

Seat availability

Seat availability varies between test centres. *Test centres can reach full capacity or may not be available for certain sessions. Venues are subject to change at short notice.

Seats may become available due to cancellations from other candidates. You can reschedule your exam in the candidate portal if your preferred test centre becomes available.

We recommend you finish registering before you arrange your travel.

Locations - Test centres

You can sit our exams in the following cities.




Buenos Aires


Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Townsville






Cairo and surrounding areas

Giza *Full capacity July 2024 session




Espoo and Helsinki





Hong Kong SAR

Hong Kong


Bangalore, Chandigarh, Chennai, Hyderabad, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune and Noida.






Kuala Lumpur



New Zealand

Auckland and Wellington




Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and surrounding areas *Full capacity July 2024 session








Doha *Full capacity July 2024 session

Saudi Arabia

Dammam, Jeddah and Riyadh





South Africa

Johannesburg, Cape Town

Sri Lanka

Colombo and Western Province


Kaohsiung, Taipei City





United Arab Emirates

Dubai and surrounding areas

United Kingdom




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Step 2

Register for the KAPS exam


1. Check that you are eligible to register

To sit the exam, you must have:

  1. completed your Eligibility Check with us, AND
  2. received an email from us telling you that you are eligible to sit the KAPS exam.

Need some help? To determine the correct pathway for you, see I want to sit the CAOP or KAPS examination.

2. Register for your exam

Registrations open at 9am and close at 5pm AEDT/AEST. Check these times in your local time zone with a time zone converter. They close about one month before exam day.

We cannot accept any late registrations.

Some locations fill up fast, so we suggest booking your exam as soon as possible when registrations open. You can choose an alternative test centre if your preferred centre is full.

Include support for any special accommodation request

Every test-taker is different. It is important we provide equitable access to testing. If you'd like to ask for special accommodation, you can select the option as part of the registration process. You will be prompted to upload your supporting documents.

We'll review your request and your documents. We'll then email you the outcome of your request within two business days. If your request is approved, we will contact Pearson VUE to arrange the request details.

Your appointment date and time may change to allow for your request.

Read more about special accommodation.

3. Upload a photo of yourself

You will be prompted to upload a headshot. It can be 'selfie'.

Your headshot must be:

  • a full headshot (showing your full head and your shoulders)
  • in colour
  • taken within the last 6 months
  • high quality.

If you usually cover your head for religious reasons, or you wear facial jewellery, your photo can include these items.

4. Pay the registration fee

You must pay the fee at the time of registration. If payment is not received your seat will be released.

Please note:

  • We can only accept payment through Visa or Mastercard credit or debit cards.
  • Your credit card must be issued from a bank in your country of residence.

We'll send you a reminder email around 5 days before your exam.

Register for your exam!

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Step 3

Reschedule or cancel


You can reschedule your exam in your Candidate Portal.

You can reschedule it to another date and time only during the registration period.


You can cancel and request a refund for any reason, however it is subject to our approval and will incur a cancellation fee. The amount you receive depends on when you cancel your exam.See partial refund amounts.

Read our refund policy carefully for details.

You will need to cancel your exam in your Candidate Portal.

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Step 4

Study and prepare for exam day

Step 5

Resulting and re-sitting


We'll email you when your results are available. Refer to exam dates and locations for more information.

You'll be able to view and download your results from the Candidate Portal.

We release all results as 'Pass' or 'Unsuccessful' only. We do not release any scores.

Advice for unsuccessful candidates

Sometimes candidates need more than one attempt to pass the KAPS Exam. Don't give up! Talk to your friends, colleagues and family and work out how best to prepare for the next exam.

If you were unsuccessful in one or both of the exam papers, you will see a breakdown of your results in your Candidate Portal.

You may sit an unsuccessful paper again as many times as you need to.

If you passed 1 paper of the KAPS, you will have 2 years to pass the unsuccessful paper. If you do not pass this paper within 2 years, you'll need to register to sit both papers again.

Re-sitting the exam

You can register to sit the exam again during the next exam period. When it opens register in Candidate Portal. You will need to pay the full registration fee again when you register.

Some important information about your exam result

  • APC cannot comment on your performance nor provide feedback to candidates.
  • APC does not provide exam scores to candidates.
  • Following the finalisation of the results in our system, extensive checks are undertaken by our Senior Pharmacist and the Delivery Manager and are not subject to appeal.

Appeals process

APC offers an appeals process for matters other than the calculation of results. The process is to ensure no candidate is disadvantaged by matters outside their control. Please read about our Appeals Policy before sitting the exam. The policy tells you about the scope of an appeal. Learn more about our appeals process.

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Next steps

Skills Assessment Outcome

When you pass the KAPS exam, you can then request a copy of your Skills Assessment Outcome.

Once you have a Skills Assessment Outcome from us, you can use it to:

  • apply to the Department of Home Affairs to support a visa application and
  • apply to the Pharmacy Board of Australia for provisional registration.

Your outcome will be valid for 3 years from the date we issue it.

The Department of Home Affairs sets the validity period for your Skills Assessment outcome for visa applications. APC is unable to change the validity period.

If something significant changes after we issue your Skills Assessment outcome, you can ask us for an updated Skills Assessment.

Applying for provisional registration

When you pass the KAPS exam, you can apply to the Pharmacy Board of Australia (PharmBA) for provisional registration and approval of supervised practice.

  1. Apply for provisional registration by submitting an online application with PharmBA.
  2. Identify and arrange your supervised practice setting.
  3. Submit PharmBA's required applications to them for approval.
  4. Wait for approval from PharmBA.
  5. Following approval, enrol in your supervised practice and complete your supervised practice period to be able to apply for general registration as a pharmacist.

After you’ve completed 75% of your supervised practice hours, you will then sit the Board registration exams: Intern Written Exam (with APC), Oral Exam (with PharmBA).

Finding a supervised practice setting

Some candidates contact professional organisations, family contacts, or extended networks to understand what opportunities exist at that time to find a supervised practice setting. Others may already have an offer to work in a pharmacy.

In any case, you must have your registration and arrangements approved by PharmBA before enrolling in and beginning supervised practice.

We suggest calling Ahpra to chat about your particular circumstances and goals.

Preparing for your career in Australia

The Australasian College of Pharmacy and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia provide learning courses that are designed to help overseas trained pharmacists prepare for a career in Australian pharmacy and understand the Australian pharmacy context.

These courses are not a requirement as part of registration. They are not mandatory. This means it is your choice, only if you would like the extra support.

Foundations of Australian Community Pharmacy
The Australasian College of Pharmacy

Introduction to pharmacy in Australia
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

These courses are run by organisations that are not affiliated with APC.

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